Acupuncture is a part of traditional Chinese medicinal
practice. It involves trained acupuncturists who stimulate the specific points
on one’s body with thin needles.
Here are some of the health benefits of getting acupuncture
Helps reduce
migraines and headaches
Acupuncture is recognized by the World Health Organization
and is recommended for treatment of migraines and headaches. During a research,
there were multiple clinical trials where the effects of acupuncture were
compared with ‘sham’ (placebo form of acupuncture). People who received real
acupuncture therapy experienced a reduced level of headache and migraine
symptoms. This proves how effective is Acupuncture Las Vegas for treatment and
for managing headaches and migraine.
Helps manage chronic
pain, including those for the neck, back, and arthritis pain
As per a study done in 2006, acupuncture proved to improve
chronic back pain as compared to no acupuncture treatment. With two groups of
people, one receiving acupuncture treatment for back pain and the other
receiving none, those receiving the treatment experienced significant
improvement in their condition. Acupuncture is an effective form of treatment
for chronic pain and is not at all just placebo effect.
Helps treat insomnia
Acupuncture is highly beneficial in reducing the symptoms of
insomnia, when compared to no treatment at all. Moreover, when people taking
herbal treatments and medications to help sleep, added acupuncture therapy, the
results got even better. Another great benefit suggested by the naturopathicdoctor Las Vegas was that unlike the sleep medication, acupuncture sessions has
no side-effects or adverse effects.